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First of all: my name is Lillith. How did I come to write a blog? Ever since I learned to read, no word has been safe from me. Street signs, packaging labels and – last but not least – books.
Mixed with an affinity for trivia & Fun facts, as well as a pinch of enthusiasm for aesthetics & design this resulted in, well, Opus Arte Factum.
Here some "fun facts" about me;
I loooooove semicolons, so if you see a ; where, theoretically belongs a :, that's full intention.
I Loose reading the books of Edgar Allan Poe, Jonathan Stroud and Dan Brown.
Links are always bold.
The paintings of Roberto Ferri are more beautiful than any works of the "great masters" imo. Fight me on that.
At the weekend, I run the café "Aria" at the Haselbacher lake near Leipzig. Come and visit us!
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